
Dispatches from #FMDH23: Art/Femicide/Human Rights

Day One for UC Davis Article 26 Backpack Team at the UNSECO 3rd Global Forum for Human Rights Buenos Aires, Argentina

Quick Summary

  • This is the first in a series of updates from UC Davis Human Rights Studies Students and members of the UC Davis Article 26 Backpack leadership team who are attending a UN-sponsored global human rights coneference

My name is Emma Tolliver, and I’m a UC Davis Human Rights Studies student currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the World Forum on Human Rights (FMDH), hosted by UNESCO and the Government of Argentina.


I’m presenting on Article 26 Backpack with 3 other Human Rights students: Dheera Dusanapudi, Valerie Lima, and Ella Ross. Article 26 Backpack is a human rights tool that allows refugee students, scholars, and other  at-risk individuals to safely and securely store their educational documents. 

Today at the forum, I explored the work of artists who had their work displayed. A highlight of the artwork I saw was the work “ATRAVESADXS: FAMILIARES DE VÍCTIMAS DE FEMINICIDIO, TRAVESTICIDIO Y TRANSFEMICIDIO” by Eleonora Ghioldi. Ghioldi is an Argentinian photographer and filmmaker who uses art to explore issues of social justice, particularly issues that pertain to women. 


Ghioldi’s “ATRAVESADXS” is a research photography project that photographs and records the testimonies of people who are related to victims of femicide. With this work, Ghioldi demonstrates the collective experience femicide has on society and aims to bring attention to gender-based violence.



For more information about the “ATRAVESADXS” exhibit or Eleonora Ghioldi, please visit her website here:

After viewing the artwork, we took a tour of the facility where we would be presenting. We reviewed the technological capacities of the room and discussed how to best structure our presentation given the room. 

Excited to present tomorrow!