Backpacker, Go! 2:2 2024 is Live

The Spring/Summer edition of the official newsletter of the UC Davis Article 26 Backpack, Backpacker, Go! has hit the stands. Last night, our team shared information about our new Backpack Guide Badge Micro-credential, scholarship and support opportunities, a user survey, and a short bio of a Backpack Guide with over 5000 displaced and refugee young people, educators and allies in the Backpacker community.

Preserving Futures/Preserving Documents

As Azerbaijan has seized control of the territory of NKR, it is has destroyed cultural heritage, eliminated civil society, and terrorized the local population. It is likely that this will continue, putting higher education institutions, students — primarily men of military age or those engaged in activism — and scholars and human rights advocates under increasing threat.

Article 26 Backpack Collective and UC Davis Human Rights Studies Program condemn Israeli attacks on schools and higher education institutions in Gaza and stand in solidarity with Palestinian students

The University of California, Davis students of the Article 26 Backpack Collective with the support of the UC Davis Human Rights Studies Program condemn Israeli attacks on schools and higher education institutions in Gaza and stand in solidarity and support with Palestinian students. As the academic and humanitarian organizations at UC Davis most involved with issues of human rights education and the rights of students in conflict, we issue this statement with grave concern for the well-being of Palestinian students and their educational journeys.

Conference Report: Third Human Rights Studies Spring Research Symposium - May 26, 2023 - I-House Davis - 12:30 PM - 5:00PM

Conference Summary:

The incredible interdisciplinary and public scholarship opportunities of Human Rights Studies at UC Davis were demonstrated by the participants — faculty, graduate students, education professionals and undergraduate Human Rights Studies Minors  — of the 3rd UC Davis Human Rights Studies Spring Research Symposium, May 26, 2023 – International House, Davis.

UC Davis report emphasizes a continuing need for refugees to safeguard their most important academic documentation as the digital divide grows in areas of humanitarian need.

During 2021-2022, UC Davis Human Rights Studies faculty, staff, and students collaborated with Kepler to facilitate higher education access for over 2,200 university-age refugees in Rwanda using Article 26 Backpack. Article 26 Backpack, or "Backpack", works to meet the needs of young refugees and displaced people to achieve document safety and security.

Dispatches from #FMDH23: Presentation Day

I’m Dheera Dusanapudi, a Human Rights Studies student and second-year International Relations major. I am also one of the four UC Davis students in Buenos Aires presenting at the third Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos, alongside Emma Tolliver, Valerie Lima, and Ella Ross.

Dispatches from #FMDH23: Historias Desobedientes: Reckoning with Genocide’s Aftermath

Dispatches from #FMDH23: 

Historias Desobedientes: Reckoning with Genocide’s Aftermath

Hi everyone–I’m Dheera Dusanapudi, a Human Rights Studies student and second-year International Relations major. I am also one of the four UC Davis students in Buenos Aires attending the third Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos, alongside Emma Tolliver, Valerie Lima, and Ella Ross.

Dispatches from #FMDH23: Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice

Day of Remembrance Blog

March 24 is Argentina’s Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice (Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia). This day is a national holiday honoring the victims of state terrorism during the Dirty War, and the date was selected because March 14, 1976 was the day the coup d’ètat that would go on to enforce state terrorism occurred. We were fortunate in being able to attend the Buenos Aires parade commemorating the 2023 Día Nacional de la Memoria, which was at the Plaza de Mayo. 

Backpacker, Go!

Backpacker, Go!
Winter/Spring 2023 Newsletter 1.4

Emma Tolliver, Editor
UC Davis Backpack Guide Collective

This quarter, we have information about free academic credentialing resources and fellowship opportunities. 

First, we have an introduction from Backpacker #1: Keith David Watenpaugh, Professor and Director of Human Rights Studies. 


Earthquake in Turkey - Backpack is a Critical Resource for Refugee and Displaced Students and Scholars

The greatest concentration of Syrian refugees in the world is in the zone of destruction created by this week’s earthquake in Turkey.  

Already living on the political and economic margins and often in substandard housing, refugee communities in the region will disproportionately suffer from this natural disaster.  At Article 26 Backpack we stand with them and all those harmed by the quake.